Complete Balance

Physical and emotional well-being sessions, Therapeutic and preventative health

A complete course of 6 sessions, minimum, including Music therapy, aromatherapy, naturopathy, yoga, breathing techniques and body massage, tailored to your needs.

Personalized course and progressive assessment:

Music therapy



Confidence: Emotional session with the use of essential oils.

Massage and unblocking of emotional points and psycho-musical relaxation.

Learning: Naturopathy session with our specialist for advice and implementation of recipes, meal plans or customized supplements.

Opening: Breathing techniques, vocal placement, mantra chanting to open up the vocal space, encourage communication, to be more daring.

Autonomy: Review of the techniques and exercises covered, implementation of tools to continue at home.

Memorization through body massage 1 hour.

1 hour per session

Studio VedaCare Arles ou Barcelone

This series of 6 sessions is designed for teenagers over 14 years old and adults, in person only.

Book and pay online, then, together, we work out the date and time of your sessions

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You can also book via whatsapp +33671704863 or +34 654510471 or by email :